Defining a Legacy- The Sinz Legacy Ranch

We’re fortunate to serve clients with a myriad of goals. Some are interested in continuing to or beginning a long term investment in rural land and water. For these folks, ranch and farm acquisitions might represent a certain element of safety in their investment portfolios. They endeavor to place a certain amount of their wealth in land. Other clients speculate- aggregating and then selling or right sizing and selling. In addition to trying to meet investment objectives, a lot of these clients also find significant enjoyment in owning land. That enjoyment comes in a myriad of forms. For some it’s the enjoyment that comes out of physical work: the ability to make an impact and see that impact at the end of the day. For investors, this is often a reward not common in their “real jobs” and working at the ranch provides a bit of balance. Others like being immersed in the tranquility of nature or the ability to connect with wildlife and domestic animals like horses. Some like to hunt and fish- another category we find ourselves relating with. Conservation buyers are a rewarding group to work with too. They focus on a legacy in land by protecting it with tools like conservation easements. This category requires a true team approach to investing in land and can financially reward the landowner. Sometimes on significant levels.

But more than any other category, the most rewarding category of investors we get to work with are those interested in starting a family legacy in land. They consider their sons, daughters and grandchildren when they buy. Maybe they had an experience in their youth that was formative and as a result they are interested in exposing residual generations to same potential formative experiences. Everything about working with this kind of investor is fun. During airplane rides or car rides to and from candidate ranches and farms there is often discussion about what it might mean to have their children or grandchildren on the ranch or working the farm. During our tours they consider the value of important lessons like hard work, trust and loyalty, leadership, working in teams, respect and confidence building. Lessons which can be hard to come by in urban lives. Most are interested in creating the backdrop by owning the land and are hopeful their children or grandchildren will find their own footing in their own way and time. Branding stock, stringing fence, fire mitigation work, harvesting big game and angling all has its hardships and rewards. Seeing younger generations in situations they are not routinely exposed to is incredibly rewarding.

We work for and with these buyers and landowners on a high frequency. We have the pleasure of experiencing those moments routinely. Even though they are routine, the impact of those moments when it all comes together is nothing short of deeply emotional. And you never know when they might happen. 

I remember exactly what I was doing when David Sinz sent me the photo of the very first elk that was harvested on a ranch he bought in Lake George, Colorado. David purchased a ranch we had listed for sale. We called it The Bohannon Ranch. I was deep in contract review for another client making pursuit of her ranch. It was a slog fest- digesting details to get the offer just right. The tone of the new text message rang as it commonly does and in that text from David, was a photo of his teenage son proudly and respectfully positioned behind his harvest. The very first harvest on the ranch- the newly and appropriately named Sinz Legacy Ranch. They had spent the day moving through the ranch with limited success. Just like most hunting stories end with only a short time to spare in the hunting hours of the day they came across a grouping of elk. And in that late afternoon all of those lessons referenced earlier in this post were learned. The bond between father and son was strengthened and the legacy David had endeavored to start had officially begun. A return on investment unlike any monetary return.

I’d wager a few things as a result- pounding posts in future work sessions got easier for David and his son after that harvest, that the respect for one another deepened and that a seed was planted in the next generation to be stewards of our cherished private lands. 

It’s hard to put into words how gracious we are for opportunities like these. I feel lucky just to have received the photo. To David and all of our clients we say thank you. Though the words barely cover the true gratitude we actually feel.

PS- David got his elk too. This dink interrupted a morning of work in the new barn. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mind the delay in productivity!

ranch and farm acquisitions and elk hunting in colorado
